紹介:パスワードは英文、数字、特殊文字で(8~15字以内)生成出来ます。ただし、次の文字は保安のためお使いになりません。';<() /'...パスワードの作り方がさらにきびしくなりつつ、また新しいパスワードを造らざるを得ない、また生成した新パスワードをどこかに記録するのも気まずくて困るのであります
これから パスワードノート、p*sswordでパスワードのキワード以外の文字に「*」を入れてより手軽くパスワードを管理しましょう!
[How To Use]
◆ Click the button on the bottom right side of the screen where user can see a form pops up to write down.
◆ If user touches the title of the card that has been created by user's writing, the text color will turn red as highlighted and will go back to black if touched again.
◆ if user swipes the card from right to left, another options will appear to edit and delete the card.
[Key Characteristics]
◆ All data created in the app is not stored in server or anywhere, it will only remain in user's appliance.
◆ It provides password lock to enter so that it will prevent from being approached by someone else in off-line.
◆ Password written by user can be switched into '*' autometically when the security button is clicked.(It can be also customized if user types in by himself.)
◆ Data can be searched anytime in search bar on top of the screen.
[New feature added]
Version 10 (1.0.9)◆ data backup, restore and highlight color option could be selected from the icon in right upper side of the main page.
Version 7 (1.0.6)◆ data backup & restore (after downloading and restoring back-up file in device, users need to delete or manage the file on his own)◆ a textfield for URL addresss is added to so that a link to webpage would be prepared.
Version 6 (1.0.5)◆ Data highlight by color◆ Data highlight color option◆ data backup (backup file needs to be managed by user's own hand after created in 'download' folder)